Electric Prayer

The Liturgy of the Hours, the Mass, and other things.

Donations to Universalis

Posted by universalis on 29 August 2008

Early in the history of Universalis I used to allow people to make donations through PayPal. I’m very grateful to them for their kindness and generosity.

Now that Universalis actually makes money by selling downloads, it seems unfair to ask for donations. I’ve removed all references to donations from the site, and I’ve sent a cheque to Aid to the Church in Need to cover the donations that you have made in the past.

Thank you very much, everyone who contributed. Your money has gone to a good cause now, and your encouragement helped to make Universalis what it is today.

3 Responses to “Donations to Universalis”

  1. TSO said

    I wish there were a RSS Feed for the Office of Readings….

  2. LAC said

    Congratulations on your success! And thanks for providing this website–it has made my prayer life so much better.


  3. Pat Marriott said

    I’ve just discovered Universalis, while looking for a reading from St Augustine that was used on St Cecilia’s day. GOOD FOR YOU – what a great work. I immediately looked for a way to donate and then discovered your post that said that donations are no longer needed. GOOD FOR YOU AGAIN! I will certainly pray for you, and I will certainly bookmark Universalis on my laptop, since as you observe, I don’t carry a breviary and a missal wherever I go. May God richly bless you!
    Pat Marriott
    North Carolina

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