Electric Prayer

The Liturgy of the Hours, the Mass, and other things.

Archive for January, 2017

App Store pricing

Posted by universalis on 24 January 2017

Recently, the newspapers have been full of the news that Apple are raising App Store prices in the UK by 25%.

This isn’t actually true. What is true is that if developers do nothing, the price of an app will go up: in the case of Universalis, from £9.99 to £12.99.

But developers don’t have to do nothing. We haven’t.

We have altered the price tier to be applied to the Universalis app, so that from today the UK price for the Universalis app for iOS has gone up from £9.99 to £10.99 but the price in the rest of the world has gone down: for example, from $12.99 to $10.99.

There is no change in the price for a Universalis registration code, which is something you buy from us directly. It is £19.99, or whatever the equivalent is in your currency on the day you buy. If you already have an app, you only need to pay half that: £9.99. (If you haven’t come across registration codes before: a registration code gives you free access to Universalis apps on iOS and Android and Universalis programs on Windows and Mac, and also the e-book creation service).

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