Electric Prayer

The Liturgy of the Hours, the Mass, and other things.

Updating apps and programs

Posted by universalis on 21 February 2018

Depending what Universalis app or program you are using, it may update itself automatically when a new version comes out. Here are all the details, with instructions for manual updating.


Your apps should be updated automatically by Google Play and Amazon, but quite often they aren’t. Here is how to do it yourself:

Google Play

If you got Universalis (or Catholic Calendar) from Google Play, here are Google’s instructions.

Amazon Appstore

If you got Universalis (or Catholic Calendar) from Amazon, then open the Amazon Appstore app and go to the “App Updates” tab. Here are some illustrated instructions.

iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

Your apps should be updated automatically by Apple through the App Store app on your device, and usually they are. But if this doesn’t happen, Apple’s instructions for updating manually are here. (If you have iOS 12 or earlier, you can just open the App Store app itself and go to its “Updates” tab).

One extra note which isn’t always mentioned on Apple’s page – if you look at the list of apps and Universalis (or Catholic Calendar) isn’t there when you expect it to be there, try refreshing the list. To do this, put your finger on the list and drag it downwards an inch or so, and then let go.


If you bought the “lightweight” Universalis app (round icon) from the Mac App Store, it should be updated automatically. If this doesn’t happen, open the App Store program on your Mac and go to its “Updates” tab.

If you downloaded the full-sized Universalis program (square icon) from our web site, it will check our site at discreet intervals and tell you when an update is available. But if you are in a hurry, here is the page you can use to update at once.


The Universalis program will check our site at discreet intervals and tell you when an update is available. But if you are in a hurry, here is the page you can use to update at once.


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